Meet Kay Woodson: The Powerhouse Behind RVA Fashion Week's Glamour

Kay Woodson is the ingenious beauty coordinator for Richmond Fashion Week (RVAFW). Hailing from Farmville, VA, Woodson’s journey is a testament to her adaptability and unwavering dedication to her craft.

From her days as a model and hair care professional, Kay's transition to orchestrating backstage beauty marks an evolution in her pursuit of excellence behind the scenes.

"I pivot. I'm a chameleon," Kay asserts, embodying her ability to seamlessly blend into any role that calls for her to shine. 

For over a decade, she's been an entrepreneur with a virtuoso attitude, ensuring she will always be in demand. "Being versatile will always keep you booked and paid," Woodson said.

Amidst the glitz and glamour, Kay remains grounded. She constantly reminds herself of the bigger picture.

 "It's not about you," she reflected. Woodson emphasized the importance of collaboration and teamwork in an industry filled with countless moving parts.

Her success isn't just about individual talent; it's about meticulous attention to detail.

"Stay detailed in your craft and in your teamwork," she advised. Woodson recognized the essential role that self-awareness and collaboration has in navigating the bustling fashion scene.

Recently, Woodson achieved a significant milestone, producing her very own fashion show in her hometown titled 'Bringing Fashion Home.' The event was a resounding success, selling out twice and cementing Woodson's reputation as a force to be reckoned with in the industry.

As Woodson continues to make waves, she remains rooted in her origins. With each stride she takes, Kay Woodson epitomizes the spirit of diligence and adaptability. 

Woodson leaves us with a powerful mantra for aspiring fashion professionals everywhere: "Get yourself in the room. Never be afraid to network and meet new people. You have to show up... you never know which person can help you get to where you need to be." 

With these words, Kay Woodson's journey serves as an inspiration and reminder that success in the fashion industry is not just about talent; it is also about seizing opportunities and forging meaningful connections along the way.

Sher Phillips

Sheridan Phillips is a senior majoring in Mass Communications at Virginia State University. As the editor of the Virginia Statesman, Sheridan is deeply involved in campus journalism, where her passion for writing shines. Beyond the newsroom, Sheridan's heart beats for fashion, exploring the latest trends and expressing herself through style. With a keen eye for storytelling and a love for the fashion world, Sheridan's goal is to merge her writing prowess with her sartorial passion, creating compelling narratives that celebrate the intersection of fashion and culture.


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